Every now and then, your household may be faced with some issues related to electrical maintenance or lack thereof. Use this electrical maintenance FAQ section to find solutions for some of the issues you may have to deal with.
Should I Attempt to Install New Wiring by Myself?
After moving things around inside your home, you may find that you lack outlets in a new room you just opened up. To make it more functional, you decide to add an outlet there.
Before you proceed with any installations like that, you should brush up on your local laws.
In the state of Georgia, installers are required to secure a permit before they set any new wiring in place. That means you can run into trouble if you install new wiring without that permit.
You can install new wiring by yourself as long as you get that permit first. Still, you can argue that it’s more convenient to let the professionals handle that job for you.
Why Do Some of My Fuses Blow Out Frequently?
Some of the fuses in your electrical circuit may be prone to blowing out. That is not normal and you need to do something about it.
Typically, fuses blow out because the circuits they’re in are overloaded. To address that problem, you should consider plugging in fewer appliances into the circuits that blow out often.
If the fuse still blows out even though you had only one appliance plugged in, that probably means there is something seriously wrong with the circuit. Get that circuit checked by a professional before you use it again.
Why Do Some Appliances Feature Three-Pronged Plugs?
Inspect the appliances inside your home and you may find that they have different plugs. Some of your appliances may have two-pronged plugs while others have three-pronged plugs.
It’s important to note that the third prong is not a decorative addition. It’s actually a grounding prong that helps protect your electrical system as well as the appliance itself. That kind of plug may even save you from a potential accident.
Notably, some appliances are equipped with four-pronged plugs. Those are even safer than their three-pronged counterparts and they deserve to be inside your home.
Should You Use a Surge Protector Inside Your Home?
Read through lists of electrical maintenance tips and you’ll find that many of them recommend using surge protectors. So, is that really necessary?
Using a surge protector is not a requirement per se, but it can be a smart move on your part. Surge protectors can save your outlets, appliances and electronics from burning out. They can come in very handy in the event of random electrical surges.
How Often Do You Need to Get Your Electrical System Professionally Maintained?
Homeowners should aim to get their electrical systems inspected regularly. At a minimum, you should call the professionals to look over and maintain your electrical system at least once per year.
Yearly maintenance will help keep your electrical circuits in great shape. If potential problems are emerging, the yearly inspection should also help you address them before they become too problematic.