Your electrical system is an important part of your home’s infrastructure; as such, it should be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure it stays in good condition long into the future. The frequency with which you should have your electrical system inspected depends on the age of your home (and the system) and the number of appliances you run, but the majority of professional electricians recommend inspections every three to five years.
Remember: The older the home, the more likely it is you have an electrical system that is incapable of supporting your electronics and appliances, unless you’ve updated the wiring and electrical panel at some point. Even for people who have newer homes, consider the electrical load you’re placing on the system and whether you truly have the capacity to maintain your lifestyle.
Try to schedule inspections of your system before anything goes wrong; however, if you’ve noticed any of the following signs, you should make it a point to contact an electrician to come out and inspect your system immediately:
- You’ve seen circuit breakers tripping regularly around your property.
- You have outlets and switches that are not functioning as they should.
- If you have a fuse box, you’ve noticed an increasing incidence of blown fuses.
- You’re still using two-pronged outlets instead of three-pronged.
- You’ve noticed lights flickering around the home, especially when you turn on other devices or appliances.
Preventing electrical repairs
One of the main benefits of getting an inspection of your electrical system is that it will help you prevent a need for costly electrical repairs.
Always have a professional inspect your electrical systems, and never attempt to perform any repair work yourself—you need to have professional training and equipment to handle this sort of work, and a single wrong move could prove extremely dangerous to you and the others in your home.
If you feel like you might be at risk of overloading an outlet, you should at least use surge protectors to protect both your electrical system and your devices. Keep in mind, though, that surge protectors will not completely solve electrical issues and should not be over-implemented in a home. If you find you do not have enough capacity to run all the devices you need, you’ll need to update your home’s electrical system.
Never use extension cords. They’re not designed for permanent indoor use, and they also can turn into tripping hazards that add unnecessary danger to your property.
Always make sure you’re using the right size and type of fuses if you still have a home running on a fuse box.
Finally, make sure you’re using GFCI (ground fault circuit interrupter) outlets where appropriate around your property, especially outdoors and in kitchens, bathrooms and laundry rooms (or anywhere else with elevated moisture levels).
For more information about what’s involved with electrical system inspection and when you should schedule such an inspection for your home, we encourage you to contact us at Carpet Capital Multi-System, Inc.